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Monday, August 10, 2009
Hui Ling's Birthday Pt.2 @ 10:35 PM
Yea!!!!Guess what???Let's go into the world of pictures!!!Photo's time!!XD
Our signatures were fulled on the white board!!Happy Birthday,Hui Ling~XD

Once more!!!!Old lady's birthday~xP
Cute Hui Ling!!Drawn by Jing Ying..Kick Me was added by me..Kick rules!!!XD
Captured before blow the candles..May we always are the best friends forever!!XD
Sweet sixteen!!!!Hui Ling really became old..LOLx!!XD
Yea!!!Finally,we can eat the cake!!!Wait for a long time..LOLx!
Hui Ling laughing??Obviously!!And I'm hitting her to stop her keep laughing!!XD
Cakeeee!!!!!!I want it!!!LOLx!!XD
Cakeee!!!!!Seemed like it's so delicious!!!Well,yea!!!><
Hui Ling looking at her Birthday cake..bah!!
She's picking a piece of cake from the separated cake..LOLx!!
Prepared to eat????
LOLx!!NO!!!She wasn't planning to eat first...But the strawberry was soo big!!Huge strawberry!!
What did she stare for??Stop staring anyone!!Eat your huge strawberry!!XD
Jing Ying and Xue Lin..Xue Lin posing YAY!!!XD
LOLx!!!That's me!!Busy writing the greeting card to Hui Ling..xP
Shi Jin was eating her cakee..Reject to look at the camera..
Finally,she looked at the camera with her pose..LOLx!!XD
LOLx!!!How come I didnt realise Wanni captured photo??0.0
Stupid Hui Ling ruined the gift that I gave her!!!So I helped her to fix it!!!But why I laughing??LOL
*Busy to fix the ribbon*Do Not Disturb!!LOLx!!
*Holding a bottle of chocolates*LOLs!!
*Wanna starting the burn*LOLx!!!Beware!!><
*Burning now..LOLx!!Burn the dry glue on the ribbon..><*
LOLx!!!Failed to fix it!!><
Yea,we failed..But we laughing..LOLx!!XD
Hui Ling busy doing her Physics notes..XD
Finished!!!Xue Lin cleaning the trolley..
Cutie Shi Jin~!!!Finally,she dare looked at the camera..wakakakaka..XD
Hui Ling's expression is funny!!!And where's my head??LOLx!!
Wanni,Me and Hui Ling..But where's Wanni???LOLx!!
Hui Ling and me..We were eating the cakes!!!XD
LOLx!!!!!!!!!Seriously,Hui Ling looked like as a ghost!!!!><
Wanni,me and Hui Ling~Captured by Jing Ying.
Wanni and me~~~
We are bad students!!!LOLx!!!Hui Ling's expression make me want to laugh louder!!!XD
*Lelong,lelong*Who wanted to buy the exercise books??XD
Tiffany and Xue Lin..Tiffany concentrate on her works..XD
Xue Lin~~Ngek ngek ngek~XD
Wanni,me and Hui Ling~*Pretending we were sad*LOL
Wanni and Hui Ling..Wanni so cute!!!XD
*Lelong,lelong*Who wanted to buy papers???XD
Wanni and me~~hoho~XD
Wanni and me again..No expression in our face..XD
Wanni and me again..Oh yea,and the tissues!!XD
Koh Koh and his cake!!After Hui Ling's birthday,the next day was Koh Koh's birthday!!
Happy Birthday,Koh Koh!!!!XD
Shi Jin calling Koh Koh to make a wish!!!xP
Singing Happy Birthday to Koh Koh..Koh Koh starting became embrassed..XD
Koh Koh using his hands to blow the candles..New tecnique!!XD
When in the science lab..
Ah Pui that drawn by Wanni..bah!!xP
Ah Pui again~ngek.x3~XD
Tiffany,Shi Jin and Wanni's finger..XD
Xue Lin,Tiffany and Shi Jin..hoho~XD
Xue Lin,me,Tiffany and Shi Jin..The two people beside us were Kai Hao and our best monitor ever-Shang Zhi!!XD
Wanni,you are so funny at that moment!!And Tiffany that behind Wanni,are you copying Michael as a zombie in the Thriller MV??LOLx!!
Hui Ling and Dai Lou signature!!Compare the drawing and Hui Ling..Arent they looked like exactly same??XD~
Once again!!!!Compare them again!!!!XD
The white board after Dai Lou changed her signature..XD
Teacher explaining how to do the experiment..
Fixed the retort stand!!!><
Busying to start the experiment..
LOLx!!Sampah mean trash..XD
Busying to set up the apparatus!!Hui Ling was laughing..LOLx!!
Kakaka and Kelvin's group..
Woohoo!!Finally,Nancy had shown up!!XD
Jing Ying and Xue Lin's group..
Our group!!!!XD
Finally,finished to post the photos here!!!!
Okay,that's all for today..FLY~XD
Michael and Brooke when the Guineess Book Of World Records 1984 to record the Thriller album as the biggest selling album in this world..They weared the gloves at the same time!!!Mike some more pointed at Brooke!!What a sweet couple!!!Love them!!<333
P/S:I'll post the Hwa Lian IU and Japanese came to our school photos tomorrow..hehe..XD
Labels: Birthday, Friends, My Dairy Books, Photos