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Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sky @ 5:04 PM
Today is Hwa Lian's IU day..
About the details,I'll post it tomorrow together with the photos..
Recently,I felt like that always looked at the sky..
Suddenly felt that the sky's colour is soo beautiful..
But why long time ago I dont feel it by this way??
Long time I just know how beautiful the ocean was..
But never notice that sky has its own beautiful too..
Maybe I'm too miss the guy that at the heaven now..
Everytime when i saw the sea view i'll smile upon my face..
But now,everytime i saw the sky i'll smile and thinking that can i always see the sky full with clouds??
Today when IU day,actually i'm very happy..
Because finally i can meet the ILTS team 2009 again..
But when got a team performing through Michael's"Beat It"..
I was in crazy mode at the first,but when the end i felt like wanted to cry..
But I didnt cry it out at the last because i must bear off about this..
I cried it out when VRS performing Michael's"Smooth Criminal"..
And I looked at the hat that the performer wear on..
Let me thinking about Michael again..
Although their movement a bit same as Michael's..
But of course still is Michael best lar~!!!XD
Unfortunately they didnt do the Moonwalk,but they got do the 45 degrees..
I'm very high at the first but when I saw the hat again..
I really cant bear off already..
Sumore that John asking me about Michael,and then I cried..
I dont know why I'll cried until like this...
And i continue the emo feeling until the function end..(Actually havent but give it to me that's end)
Just now,I read the 20 years old girl's blog again..
She said that yesterday was the last time she wrote about Michael...
Because she still have many articles planning for the rest...
So maybe I'll delete her blog site from my blog site bar??
But perhaps I wont do it..Because i hope that i can read her articles about Michael..
No matter now is August,September either next year...
I'll keep write about Michael..
Maybe you guys thinking that i'm insane but this is the only thing that i can do for remember him...

"Well They Say The Sky's
The Limit
And To Me That's Really True
But My Friend You Have
Seen Nothing
Just Wait 'Til I Get
Through . . ." from the Bad,written and composed by Michael Jackson
Sky,can you pass my message to Michael that I'll always love him??
Labels: My Dairy Books, The Legend
That's my way as a human being.:)
Yeah,I'm Keely!Basically I'm a J-pop rocker!XD And yeah I'm an animes freak.
Here's my love ones
♥TVXQ!Yay!I'm a Cassie!XD
♥Michael Jackson!Fully inspired me!
♥武藤遊戯 a.k.a アテム!Truly cool and yeah gorgeous!Anime rocks!XD
♥三浦春馬 a.k.a Miura Haruma!Yes,I love his smile!What a cutie!XD
♥Robert Pattinson!Hawt as Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen!XD
♥奴良リクオ!!Rikuo-sama daisuki da!!
♥Current anime state:黒執事
♥Current manga state:YGO Zexal,Nurarihyon and Kuroshitsuji
That's My Way As A Human Being.:)
Yeah,I'm Keely!Basically I'm a J-pop rocker!XD And yeah I'm an animes freak.
Here's my love ones
♥TVXQ!Yay!I'm a Cassie!XD
♥Michael Jackson!Fully inspired me!
♥武藤遊戯 a.k.a アテム!Truly cool and yeah gorgeous!Anime rocks!XD
♥三浦春馬 a.k.a Miura Haruma!Yes,I love his smile!What a cutie!XD
♥Robert Pattinson!Hawt as Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen!XD
♥奴良リクオ!!Rikuo-sama daisuki da!!
♥Current anime state:黒執事
♥Current manga state:YGO Zexal,Nurarihyon and Kuroshitsuji