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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Holidays Lovers @ 9:38 PM


Ah Fatt~~~Obviously I captured this while he's didn't noticed!!XD

Oh yea~~XD


Woohoo!!!!!We played them~XD

See-saw~~~~Ah Fatt had been left out!!XD

Once more~The towel annoyed!!WTH!!><

Annoyed towel again..=.=

I love this soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

Dai Lou ahhhhhh,don't so serious lar!!><

The playground..

Once more~

The lake so SMELLY~><

I pretty sure Ah Fatt can't do that~XD


My drink when breakfast~XD

Ah Fatt and I fight together as capture the pictures~XD

School grasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Their fans fast come here A.S.A.P!!!!><

Again!!!!Their fans!!woohoo!!Fast come here!!XD

They staring some where while waiting the foodssss~XD

Stupid child playing stupid machine~XD

One more stupid kid playing the COW(Shi Jin's kind)~XD

Xue Lin and her hammer!!!XD

Relaxing Point!!The last stop!!XD

The Relaxing Point waitress-Hui Ling
I'm telling the truth..
We had a lot of fun..
Especially today..
We swimming too~
LOL~I nearly die..=.=
But still fun..LOLs!!!
Anyway~I love holidays!!!!<3
It's the time to go~BYE!!XD
Labels: Friends, Holidays, My Dairy Books, Photos
That's my way as a human being.:)
Yeah,I'm Keely!Basically I'm a J-pop rocker!XD And yeah I'm an animes freak.
Here's my love ones
♥TVXQ!Yay!I'm a Cassie!XD
♥Michael Jackson!Fully inspired me!
♥武藤遊戯 a.k.a アテム!Truly cool and yeah gorgeous!Anime rocks!XD
♥三浦春馬 a.k.a Miura Haruma!Yes,I love his smile!What a cutie!XD
♥Robert Pattinson!Hawt as Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen!XD
♥奴良リクオ!!Rikuo-sama daisuki da!!
♥Current anime state:黒執事
♥Current manga state:YGO Zexal,Nurarihyon and Kuroshitsuji
That's My Way As A Human Being.:)
Yeah,I'm Keely!Basically I'm a J-pop rocker!XD And yeah I'm an animes freak.
Here's my love ones
♥TVXQ!Yay!I'm a Cassie!XD
♥Michael Jackson!Fully inspired me!
♥武藤遊戯 a.k.a アテム!Truly cool and yeah gorgeous!Anime rocks!XD
♥三浦春馬 a.k.a Miura Haruma!Yes,I love his smile!What a cutie!XD
♥Robert Pattinson!Hawt as Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen!XD
♥奴良リクオ!!Rikuo-sama daisuki da!!
♥Current anime state:黒執事
♥Current manga state:YGO Zexal,Nurarihyon and Kuroshitsuji