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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Michael weekend!!! @ 12:50 AM
Today really was like a Michael weekend..
Here's Mike there's Mike...XD
Keep Michaeling~XD
Maybe is Michael birthday..
Today,I was very happy because of today's Mike birthday..
But after I read the newspaper..
And when I saw that stupid Dr.Murray..
I'm crying..Non-stop...
I'm very angry!!!!I don't want to see this person!!
I hate him!!!!He's the one who cause Michael's death
I'm really really hate him!!!!!Why will became like this??
Actually,Mike can celebrate his birthday today..
Actually,he can!!!He can smile like a children and celebrate with his family and fans..
But why??Suddenly he don't have this chance anymore..No More!!!
I hate that Murray!!!If not because of him,maybe Michael still alive!!!!
Well,today's Michael birthday!!!Don't talk about this person!!!
Seemed like the world is celebrating Michael's birthday..
Before the 30 Anniversary concert,I keep listening the radio..
Because of today the red fm "Skool daze"on air..
The 80s songs show on every Saturday...
So I guess the show will prepared a lot of Michael's songs..
Of course,the show doesn't disappointed me..
The show revealed a DJ's remix..
That's for Michael's birthday!!!
OMG~I love the remix!!!That's super nice!!
Gotta find it from the Internet!!!><
When 10.45p.m. Michael's 30 Anniversary Concert that I'm awaiting for a long time!!!
Actually the opening was boring..LOL
Because that wasn't Mike performance..
But the boy that performing "Ben" is nice..
His voice is not bad but the way he performed "Ben" this song is quite weird..LOL
Because "Ben" is a song about a kid and his pet...
So if use a child voice to perform that's nice..
But he using like an adult voice to perform it..
So kinda weird..But nice too...
Being boring until Elizabeth Taylor calling Michael and his brothers came out..
I'm shouting!!!!XD
I love Michael performed with his brothers..
Because it will showed that he's more brilliant!!<333
I love the I'll Be There especially Michael and Jermaine that part!!
The brothers that always being crazy in front of the people..
Soooo cute!!!<3333
Until Mike performing Beat It... I shouted again..
But when Billie Jean I shouted like hell!!LOL
Especially when saw him took the bling jacket,black hat and the bling white glove come out!!!!
Oh God,that's my favourite performance among the performances that he did!!!
Although I'm prefer the Motown 25 Billie Jean..
But this time also make me shouting like a mad people..XD
Especially he throw his hat!!!!Owwh!!!!Love ya~<333
And got an artist..Sorry about I don't know his name..LOL
He told the audience that Mike phoned him before the performance..
He said that Mike had watched his new film Rush Hour 2
And he said that Mike told him he use wrong the legs to kick..
Hahahahahahahahaha..Some more his reaction is sooooo funny!!!
But I can imagine Mike's reaction at that time!!!
Owwh,Mike..Why you always being sooooooo cute like this???<3333
Watching the concert until the end just now..
Feel like so happy today....Because of a lot of people is celebrating Mike's birthday..
That's sooo touching!!!!I'm truly believe Michael will smile when he saw this..
Michael,happy birthday..Today's a big day of you..Please,smile always at the heaven..^^

Michael and Paul McCartney when recording "The Girl Is Mine"..I'm super love this!!!!!Michael's smile like a little kid!!!!Owwh!!!Love ya~<333
P/S:Today when on the way to KL,the sky is soo beautiful...The sun's beautiful as I saw on the beach...The scenery give me a feeling that the God is celebrating Michael's birthday with the angels..<3333
Labels: My Dairy Books, The Legend