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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Photos time~!!xD @ 7:17 PM
Yoz!!!!Photos time~!!!!
Stop craping and started go in our happy vacation~!!!XD
Our 4 Alfa dai lou!!!!!!See her sleeping-look when stayed at bus on the way to Penang...yeng,right?but quite blur..sorry for my capture skills..><
Captured when ferrying..the sea quite dirty..lolx~
YMCA~!!!!!The place that we stayed during the vacation...The bed soooo sucks!!!lolx!!
YMCA again~lol..
War Museum in Penang~!!!!!See how cool Tiffany acted??XD
Change the poses!!!!See the Tiffany,she prepared shoot Xue Lin with her guns??0.0
Guess how depth this hole had??200 m deep!!!can you imagine that??0.0
Here was the place that British army built the meriam~wow!!0.0
The information about the Gun Firing Bay
No.27 Gun Firing Bay~
The room in Gun Firing Bay which had a gun fight before~
The room having the gun fight before,too~
Captured by me when entering the secret path of British army..
Captured by me when in the secret path...Inside quite dark and i'm afraid when entered this secret path!!!><
Wow!!cool man!!!!XD

The picture in the above was put in the secret path..
Ammunition stand used by British army and put in the secret path..
The picture above captured by a photographer who I forgot his name and put in the secret path...><
WoW!!!can I have one too???XD
What is this???Used by ancient people??I have no idea about this..lolx!!
Tiffany and I holding the meriam!!!cool man!!!XD~Captured by Xue Lin after climbed the ladder!!!!A damn dangerous ladder!!!><
Used by British army to gather the soldiers when they discovered have enemies approaching..
It had some funny put the jacket and the helmet at the hall!!!XDD
Did you see the head bone??That's really was a bone!!!This was the place that the Japanese army cutted the Malays and Chinese's head!!><
The banner made by Japanese army!!The ghost of death holding with an axe!!This present that how cruelness that japanese army were!!><
Captured by Doggi or Miso at Queensbay,Johnny's Restaurant??lol..see Tracy sooooo cute!!!!!!><
The scenery from Penang Hill~
Captured by 4 Alfa's dai lou when waiting for the cable car to Penang Hill~!!XDD
Captured by me when reached the top of Penang Hill!!!The beautiful sun that I had ever seen!!!><
Captured when at Botanical Garden..left handside were Tiffany and I,right handside were Xue Lin and Shi Jin!!Love Rockx!!XD
Captured by Xue Lin sister and her friend after climbed up the little moutain which suggested by Shi Jin!!!!><
Captured by Xue Lin sister and her friend again~!!!The leaves like caterpillar!!lolx!!!!><

Captured by Xue Lin and her sister~!!!!Y i so short????T.T
I dont know what kind of flowers are this..I just knew it's very beautiful~XD

Beautiful flowers,too~XDDD

Captured and created by me when at Batu Ferrengi!!!I love RP~!!!And the foot prints were mine!!!XD

The creation of Shi Jin,Xue Lin and me..Captured by me..Can see what was that??XD

One more!!!They look gorgeous!!!!Am I right??XD

Our creation with frame!!!!!XD
The big big sea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD

Riding the white horse!!Finding my prince!!!Where are you,Robert??XD
Xue Lin riding the horse find her prince,too!!!!XD

Captured by Shi Jin..Xue Lin and I with a beautiful sunset~!!!Behind us was Tiffany..she kept busy took a picture of the sunset!!XD

Now was the twilight moment!!!!!XD

Captured by Shi Jin..From left handside:Tiffany,Me and Xue Lin under the beautiful sunset!!!!XD

Captured by me when inside the bus.Good bye,Penang!!!I'll miss you!!!!!><
I didnt posted all of the photos about War Mesuem..
Because it quite many and the rest were the tools and rooms..
If you want the photos just take with me..XD
And I dont have take the picture when at Lake Town,Bukit Merah..
Because I dont have any time left to take picture..
That's all for my Penang Vacation!!!
I'll visit there again!!!!!!
It's the time I fly~bye~XDD
P/S:Shi Jin I post ler~!!!!!XDDD
Labels: Photos, Vacation